2009年5月23日 星期六







「前端創新」是新產品開發流程的源頭,也許我們下次應好好的談談「前端創新管理」。但在本文截止前,特別建議企業的研發主管應致力推動「研發知識管理」,訂定研發標準、Design Rules等讓同仁遵循,並建立產品平台(Product Platform)、模組化的產品設計架構,同時要求使用標準件、共用件等,這些措施都是「源流管理」的動作,它不但可以降低產品設計的錯誤,減少設計審查的需求,同時也可提高研發的生產力。當然研發的必要之惡還有很多,這就待大家共同去發掘,並共同努力去把它消除了。

5 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

The effectiveness and usefulness of tollgate review depends on the pre-established and agreed tollgate check list...in general, the tollgate template that specifies the deliverables at each critical point gate...if the project falls behind and over budget...it is time for the management to find the causes of the shortfall...change course or replace the team leaders...tollgate is a serious timeline for the program...in commercial contract, many contract payments are tied to the SUCCESSFUL completion of a specific tollgates...

陳泰明(Tim Chen, NPDP) 提到...




Unknown 提到...

This is a valuable topic -value added process.
The manufacturer has widely adopted an "Inspection completed by the Operator"; it is called OAP - "Operator Acceptance Plan" of which a significant dimension called out by the method engineer, process engineer and designer as critical to the function. The dimension used to be checked by a qualified inspector of a separate Quality Control organization. In order to reduce the inspection cost, the OAP plan qualifies a machinist who can first generate a dimension on the machined part, record the dimension measured and then re-inspected and record again the dimension himself to reassure the dimension is correct. He then stamps off the inspection sheet with his OAP stamp. The stamp has a special number assigned to him by the quality control department. For example, OAP12, etc.
The OPA reduces inspection cost and empower the operator to take full responsibility for what used to be "Inspected" by others.

Unknown 提到...

GM bankruptcy case is a good example of the GATE review process. The government, congress set a timeline, assigns a taskforce for GM restructure and specifies deliverables ...the defined deadline for GM to negotiate with its union, shareholders, and bondholders...
The Gate review set the goal for completion by of May, 2009...
Gate review is dealing with tasks that need more leadership guidance's and decision makings...

陳泰明(Tim Chen, NPDP) 提到...

Thanks for your valuable and complementary opinions.

We hope that American can back to the regular living way without influencing of GATE from government soon.