網際網路的興起與被廣泛的使用,證明網路效應會持續而且加速的影響人類的生活,美國eBay註冊登記的人數和其交易次數成正相關,Web2.0的長尾效應更令人不敢忽視任何一筆小交易,挑戰過去大家所遵從的80-20原則。而在大家尚未完全弄清楚Web2.0的遊戲規則時,Web3.0又已蹺蹺的到了人間,它強調Database, artificical intelligence, Semantics web(語意網路)三者在網路上互動並協同作業。
Wireless Sensor Networking和internet一樣,都由美國軍方開始啟用,目前在很多國家都有運用的研究報告。它已經被廣泛的應用在農業、商業、礦業等非軍事的領域,國內有成功大學及台灣大學、工業技術研究院等單位。日本在科技經濟協會的奔走下,已形成產官學民橫貫的研究聯盟,並與加州4家大學研究單位合作。
2 則留言:
This is a kind of fashionable buzzword after the growth of the internet.
In additional to the original context of the "connectivity of Internet" hardware networking, sometimes it also refers to the use such as the "personal communication skills".
It is named -Networkability...refers to a person's quality, ability of forward looking capacity and willingness to establish and develop a strong relationships with it peers, and associates...
Networking is beyond the ebusiness, eknowledge, emessaging, twittering, youtubing, but also offer consideration of the soft side of human being that are willing to enhance and improve the status quo...the true meaning and purpose of the networking...
Excellent comment
Thank you very much.
But we need leverage "Networking" to innovate our business model.