2009年5月17日 星期日

Pipeline Management

PDMA Glossary: Pipeline Management
A process that integrates product strategy, projet management, and functional management to continually optimize the cross-project management of all development-related activities.


所以流道管理必須依公司的經營策策略,運用組合管理(Portfolio Management)的手法,選擇重要的的專案優先放行。當然管理當局也必須了解每一路段的容量(相當於流道中各階段,負責部門的資源能量),以及各專案的應達成的期限(每輛車預期的抵達時間),來排訂各專案的進度。然後應隨時監控各路段的流量,以匝道管制流量,或引導車輛進入其他路線(運用外界資源),使各項專案都能順利完成。當然在各路段中,管理者也必須視個別專案進行的狀況以及周遭環境的變化,調整行車順序,或說是專案的優先順序,必要時得請不合時宜的專案,先行下交流道 ,把資源留給重要的專案。

流道管理和精簡產品開發(Lean Product Development)主要目的都在縮短產品開發的"週期時間"(cycle time)。因為週期時間較短,意味可以比競爭者早進入市場,以掌握市場機會,同時較短的週期也意味著投入較少的資源,或者是讓投入的資源較早得到回收(Lean的說法是存量較少,積壓的資金自然少),使資金的迴轉率提高,企業的整體營運效率提升。


Pipeline Management在美國已運用很久,理論完備。「精減產品開發」則由TOYOTA公司發展出來,經美國學術界整理後,目前已在該國的產業風行,因而有蠻多的實用技巧,兩者都可被運用在研發的專案管理上。

5 則留言:

Unknown 提到...
陳泰明(Tim Chen, NPDP) 提到...

In new product development, there are far more new product opportunities than resources to commercialize them. One trap that many businesses fall prey to is trying to do too many projects and not having enough resources to do them. Pipeline gridlock is the result: Projects take too long; too many projects wait in a queue; and too many projects are underresourced.
Pipeline gridlock is the key issue in pipeline management.

Unknown 提到...

The early stage of the "lean manufacturing" around 1990's in Japan, there were several groups and methodologies attempted to address the excessiveness of the in-process inventory...thus the production planning and control department aiming to reduce the WIP ( work-in-process)= assets tie-up in the process lines...
One of the critical approach was "one-piece flow" from station to station...reducing defects and MRB are essential...then came the "through-put" methodology targeting the "spindle-time" on each work station and combined operations...this caused the development of the 4-axis, through 6-axis machining center...or special function machines...
The control software ERP I and ERP II were later developed to provide the "production line-balance" among the work stations...the production department used to hold an early "morning meeting" each day to address the "through-put" and "Streamline Ops"...

Unknown 提到...

This one replace above posted with miss spellings...
In normal management practice, the Pipeline management refers to the "feeders" of the project...for instance, someone is working on one cost reduction project that could only save $10,000, while the management set target for that person is to save $100,000...so, where are the potential other projects... in this case...management would ask this person. How does the pipeline look like or how many projects are in the pipeline for work later on...

In the personnel management, the pipeline management means the succession candidate for the continuity management...if someone leaves the company, whose name is next in the pipeline to take over the job...

陳泰明(Tim Chen, NPDP) 提到...

Almost at the same time we applied "Lean Manufacturing" in Taiwan Industries. But we called it JIT or Toyota Production System instead of lean.

But today our manufacturing factories almost moved to China. So we can only apply "Lean" in new product development.

Like manufacturing, NPD has its own process or pipeline. So we applied lean principal to improve through-put time of NPD projects. In "Lean Product Development" we see projects stay in pipeline as the in-process inventory.

We saw many LPD web sites in USA.